- TensorFlow problem: https://github.com/apple/tensorflow_macosWhen
- Follow the instruction in the official GitHub
- When using the tensorflow, “source tensorflow_macos_venv/bin/activate”
2. Jupyter notebook problem:
- Change kernel to the TensorFlow one: https://towardsdatascience.com/how-to-run-jupyter-notebooks-on-an-apple-m1-mac-ac3a8bf39c6c
- Go to filepath/ipykernel/eventloops.py and after V(‘10.9’), you are going to add: “and platform.mac_ver()[2] != ‘arm64’”
3. Matplot problem:
- https://alexslobodnik.medium.com/apple-m1-matplotlib-python-and-jupyter-lab-551646b9a8cd brew install libjepg
- Then pip install pillow and matplot